Kentucky, Fly, Collectible & Big Game Fishing Reels 

 Lighthouse Point, Florida

Tom Greene

 Phone: (954) 415-2670




by Tom Greene

Pricing reels is at best a difficult chore. So how are prices set and how do I decide the market price on a given day?

  • I learned what I know about current prices by sitting in countless auctions all over the country for the past ten years.

  • I run ads in the local papers offering to buy reels in the greater Ft. Lauderdale and Miami area.

  • I buy reels over-the-counter at my off-shore fishing and sporting goods store in Lighthouse Point, Florida.

  • I subscribe to multiple seller lists and attend five or six antique fishing tackle shows per year.

  • Four times per year, at great personal expense, I fly into Boston for two or three days to attend a major fishing tackle and sporting collectibles auction at Lang's in Boxborough, Mass.

  • My phone bills are astronomical to say the least because I'm constantly in touch with other collectors around the country.

My point in telling you all this is to convey to you the extent to which one has to go to be aware of the value of a reel. If I quote you a price, it is the sum of my experience, and the result of current market conditions.

Here's a book by Carl Caiati on antique reels with prices that may be a help in setting prices and identifying reels:



If you have early fishing reels you wish to sell, please call me:

Contact Tom Greene

(Please note: I do not wish to buy reels by Pflueger, Penn, Ocean City, South Bend, Shakespeare.)

Tom Greene's personal antique reel collection 2019


 Sequential Reel Index   |  Alphabetical Reel Index


Reels for sale, click here for purchase instructions



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If you have antique reels, Kentucky reels, big game rods and reels, or early fly reels you wish to sell:

Contact Information for Tom Greene

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Phone: (954) 415-2670



Other Web Sites by Tom Greene   (Tom Greene's book on fishing stories)


Web Site created 10-3-1997   Copyrighted 1997- 2019

Last updated: Thursday, November 07, 2019 05:06 PM


All photos on this website are the personal property of Thomas Greene, and may not be reproduced in print or on the internet in any form without the expressed written permission of Thomas Greene.  Permission may be given without compensation if the use is intended for non-commercial production.  Otherwise photo release documents and our production costs will be necessary for commercial use of any and all photos on this site.

All content on this site is copyrighted and owned by Tom Greene, Lighthouse Point, Florida.