Kentucky, Fly, Collectible & Big Game Fishing Reels 

 Lighthouse Point, Florida

Tom Greene

 Phone: (954) 415-2670



Big Game Fishing Rods Wanted To Buy

By Tom Greene

Example of an early Big Game rod by Tycoon Tackle, Inc., Miami, Florida

Model: HRH     Made: 1940-50      Length:  7 feet    Hardware: Roller Guides   Rod: Made of bamboo



   tycoon_1.jpg (46416 bytes)

Tom Greene's personal antique reel collection 2019


 Sequential Reel Index   |  Alphabetical Reel Index


Reels for sale, click here for purchase instructions



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If you have antique reels, Kentucky reels, big game rods and reels, or early fly reels you wish to sell:

Contact Information for Tom Greene

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Phone: (954) 415-2670



Other Web Sites by Tom Greene   (Tom Greene's book on fishing stories)


Web Site created 10-3-1997   Copyrighted 1997- 2019

Last updated: Thursday, November 07, 2019 05:14 PM


All photos on this website are the personal property of Thomas Greene, and may not be reproduced in print or on the internet in any form without the expressed written permission of Thomas Greene.  Permission may be given without compensation if the use is intended for non-commercial production.  Otherwise photo release documents and our production costs will be necessary for commercial use of any and all photos on this site.

All content on this site is copyrighted and owned by Tom Greene, Lighthouse Point, Florida.